
Top Banana

Gimme that gimme that gimme that Banana – can you click it?

Beetroot For The Win

This timely post was supposed to be about beetroot – how it is grown, where it comes from, what can you do with beetroot, is it better served hot or is cold beetroot better tasting?

However a distraction for the topic of beetroot has occurred….

Top Banana is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new Gutenburg editing interface on wordpress.  Just watch a webinar with Joost and his gang who reckon that Guttenburg will allow easy implementation of the Schema mark-up – which would be nice wouldn’t it?

Beet It

can you beet the beetroot

Friends & Family Facebook

Good news on the social media front

The latest major tweak to Facebook’s algorithm, regarding the reorganisation of its news-feed, is being heralded as the biggest change to Facebook’s user experience in years – and they are probably right. In short, Facebook has taken the decision to start delivering more content from friends and family in the news-feed, which may come at the expense of branded and media content.

More information:

Under Cover & Going Steady on Gigstarter

Hey banana fans – hot off the press – Eddie is now featured on Gigstarter.

Now Eddie and his Under Cover Wedding Band is now featured on Gigstarter.

; <a href=”; target=”_blank”> <img src=”; alt=”Book Steady Eddie”> </a> </div> <script> (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘gigstarter-sdk’)); </script>

top banana dolphins

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